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Conference Calling

Have a family get together without leaving your home!

Attend a business meeting without leaving your office!
Conference calling allows several people in different locations to have a conversation with each other at the same time, on the same call.  It's fast, easy, and affordable!

Let us set up your home or business with Conference Calling access. You will be assigned a Moderator code and a Participant code. The moderator and the participants will dial into a local 402-582 number and enter the codes to initiate or join a conference. You have the option of giving out the participant code to all attendees or calling and linking someone to the conference.

You can start a conference at any time by dialing the conferencing telephone number and identifying yourself by dialing your moderator code. Other users, known as participants, can then join the conference by dialing the conferencing telephone number and then dialing your participant code.




  • Local 402-582 call-in number.

  • Calls can be made any time of day or night.

  • One-time setup fee when you sign up for Conference Calling.

  • Additional long distance charges, if applicable, can be paid by the host or by the individual caller.

  • Use our music on hold, or record and use your own music.

  • See who is currently on the call (telephone or web interface).

  • Mute your phone or participant's phones.

  • Remove a caller from the conference if necessary (web interface) for the participants to continue.

  • The moderator can exit the conference but leave it running by using a "soft exit", or can exit and cancel the conference by hanging up.


Business Office: 112 S Main St. | PO Box 117 | Plainview, NE 68769

Business Hours: Monday - Friday | 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST

Phone: 402-582-4242 | 24-Hour Maintenance Line 402-582-4500


© NYECOM/Plainview Telephone Co. Inc.  |  Disclaimer of Content and Liability  |  NYECOM is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Site design by Nex-Tech

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